Get-ExoInformationBarrierRelationship -RecipientId1 "" -RecipientId2 ""
IT Admin Assist
Cheat Sheet for Quick IT Administration
Get Teams policy User List
Get-CsOnlineUser -Filter "TeamsMeetingPolicy -eq 'RestrictedAnonymousAccess'"
Check Volume License and Digital License
- Open Command Prompt as an administrator.
- Type
slmgr /dlv
and press Enter. - This command will display detailed license information. Look for the License Status and Description fields:
- If it mentions "Volume_MAK" or "Volume_KMS," it is activated using a Volume License.
- If it mentions "Retail" or "OEM," it is not using a Volume License.
Find users using New Outlook via sign-in logs (Microsoft Graph)
$startDate = Get-Date (Get-Date).AddDays(-90) -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd'
Get-MgBetaAuditLogSignIn -All -Filter "clientAppUsed eq 'Browser' and status/errorCode eq 0 and contains(UserAgent,'OneOutlook') and CreatedDateTime ge $startDate" |
Sort-Object CreatedDateTime -Descending | Select-Object -Property UserPrincipalName -Unique
Graph Explorer -
This will extract all logs after 2024-04-27$filter=clientAppUsed eq 'Browser' and status/errorCode eq 0 and contains(UserAgent,'OneOutlook') and CreatedDateTime ge 2024-04-27
This will extract logs between 2024-06-26 and 2024-06-26$select=userPrincipalName,createdDateTime&$filter=clientAppUsed eq 'Browser' and status/errorCode eq 0 and contains(UserAgent,'OneOutlook') and createdDateTime ge 2024-06-26 and createdDateTime le 2024-06-26