Extract Windows Install Date and OS Version

Get Install Date and OS Version for a list of Servers provided in a Text file and publish the result in CSV.

Script reads each and every IP/hostname from the inputfile "Serverlist.txt" (Create a Text File "Serverlist.txt" in the same path you save this script), checks if the IP/hostname can be reached. 

If it can be reached connects to WMI and collects the Install Date and OS Version (Caption) and we dump it in a CSV file in the same path where you have this script.

1. Create txt file "Serverlist.txt"

2. Insert server ip or hostname in txt file.

3. Run script

PowerShell Code --


    Author          : Preenesh Nayanasudhan  

    Script           : Get Install Date and OS Version for list of Servers provided in Text file Serverlist.txt  

    Purpose         : Get Install Date and OS Version for list of Servers provided in Text file and publish the result in CSV  

    Pre-requisite   : Create a Text File Serverlist.txt in the same path you save this script  



# Input File 


$Servers = Get-Content "ServerList.txt"  


$report = @() 


ForEach ($server in $Servers)  


    #Test if computer is online 


    if (test-Connection -ComputerName $server -Count 3 -Quiet )  


        $PingResult = 'Server IS Pinging' 


        # Connect to WMI on remote machine to get the required information 


        $gwmios = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $server 


        # Get the Install Date and Convert readable date & time format 


        $osidate = $gwmios.ConvertToDateTime($gwmios.InstallDate) 

        $osname = $gwmios.Caption  


        $tempreport = New-Object PSObject  

        $tempreport | Add-Member NoteProperty 'Server Name' $server 

        $tempreport | Add-Member NoteProperty 'Ping Result' $PingResult 

        $tempreport | Add-Member NoteProperty 'OS Version' $osname  

        $tempreport | Add-Member NoteProperty 'OS Install Date' $osidate 

        $report += $tempreport  




        $PingResult = 'Server NOT Pinging'  

        $tempreport = New-Object PSObject  

        $tempreport | Add-Member NoteProperty 'Server Name' $server 

        $tempreport | Add-Member NoteProperty 'Ping Result' $PingResult 

        $report += $tempreport  




$report | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation ('OSInstallDate.csv')

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