Force remove Mailbox Server manually



1. Expand Configuration (Item 1)
2. Expand CN=Configuration (Item 2)
3. Expand CN=Services (Item 3)
4. Expand CN=Microsoft Exchange (Item 4)
5. Expand CN=<Organization Name> (Item 5)
6. Expand CN=Administrative Groups (Item 6)
7. Expand CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT) (item 7)
8. Expand CN=Servers
9. Right click on the desired server listed on the right side and click on Delete
10. Confirm the operation by clicking on Yes on the confirmation dialog box
11. A new dialog box asking to confirm the deletion of the container and everything in it will pop up, click on Yes again.

After removing an Exchange Server manually, the administrator must check other settings where that server may have been configured in the Exchange Organization, for example: Send Connectors, Databases, Database Replication, Receive Connectors used by this server, Load Balancers pointing out to that server, and so forth.



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